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ISS Policies

In general, overrides into ISS courses are not allowed. Instead, place yourself on the wait list for the course. If you are on the wait list for a preferred course while simultaneously enrolled in another ISS course or in a course that has a conflicting schedule, use the swap function to facilitate enrollment if a seat opens in your preferred course. You can learn more about that here.

The only override exceptions are, on a case-by-case basis:

  • A student will complete their degree in the current semester and this course is the only option to complete graduation requirements. This status will be verified using the student's record.
  • A student is unable to enroll into an ISS course due to the enrollment system not recognizing transfer credit or substitutions as fulfillment of a prerequisite. Requests for prerequisite overrides must be for an open section.

If you meet either of these criteria, you may submit a request for consideration using this form. Prior to submitting the form, ensure any enrollment holds have been removed from your student account.

Note that work schedules, physical location, and other factors cannot be taken into account when considering overrides.

No overrides into online courses or courses with 25 or fewer seats will be provided. Each semester, we receive far too many requests to accommodate. Enrollment in these courses is on a first-come, first-served basis only.


Late adds and reenrollment 

We will not add students to courses after open-add period at the start of fall and spring semesters. Instead, we offer late-start sections of courses that students can select. Check the class schedule to find the specific sections of these courses each semester.   


For disenrollments, we will place students back into the course and section of their original enrollment after holds are cleared. 

Inadvertent Drops

Students who mistakenly drop an ISS class after open enrollment ends will be re-enrolled in the same section they mistakenly dropped. We will not switch sections in multi-section courses.


Email to request reenrollment.


Using Transfer Credit to Fulfill Your ISS Requirement

New Transfer Students

Transfer students, like first-time MSU students, are required to meet ISS requirements. However, transfer students may have completed courses at other institutions prior to matriculation at MSU that can be applied to fulfill their ISS 200 level requirement, their ISS 300 level requirement, or both.  

If you are transferring courses to MSU, consult Transfer MSU to determine the ISS transfer equivalencies that have been approved for your institution. If you do not find a course listed in Transfer MSU, contact your academic advisor to discuss options. You may need to provide a course syllabus and other relevant course materials for review. 

Current MSU Students

Current MSU students may fulfill ISS requirements by transferring credits from other institutions, but only when the course has been approved as an "exact match" equivalent to a specific ISS course. Consult Transfer MSU to determine the ISS transfer equivalencies that have been approved for each institution.  

If a course is not listed in Transfer MSU, contact your academic advisor to discuss options.

All Students 

If you have questions after reviewing this information and speaking with your academic advisor, contact the Center for Integrative Studies in Social Science at