Course Descriptions
ISS 200 Level Courses
ISS 205. Big Ideas in the Social Sciences (D) Introduction to the inquiry and research of complex issues in the social, behavioral, and economic sciences. Special topics to engage new students' interests, analyze complex ideas, and consider empirical evidence
ISS 210. Society and the Individual (D) Interdisciplinary exploration of social problems, relationships, institutions. Exploring diverse perspectives and cultural practices associated with diverse characteristics.
ISS 215. Social Differentiation and Inequality (D) Interdisciplinary exploration of social hierarchies. Exploring diverse perspectives and cultural practices associated with diverse characteristics.
ISS 220. Time, Space, and Change in Human Society (D) Interdisciplinary exploration of human biological, geographic, and cultural variation and adaptation. Theories of change from evolutionary, ecological, and social science perspectives. Exploring diverse perspectives and cultural practices associated with diverse characteristics.
ISS 225. Power, Authority, and Exchange (D) Interdisciplinary exploration of power and authority in social and economic exchange. Exploring diverse perspectives and cultural practices associated with diverse characteristics.
ISS 230. Government and the Individual (D) Critical examination of the role of government in regulating individual behavior. Exploring diverse perspectives and cultural practices associated with diverse characteristics.
ISS 235. Liberal Democracy as a Way of Life (D) Interdisciplinary exploration of democracy in philosophy, history, or literature and its influence on the lives of individuals and the forms and functioning of institutions; political ideology, governance, social and financial economies; liberalism and democracy; freedom and civil rights; civic duties, religion, and secularism. Exploring diverse perspectives and cultural practices associated with diverse characteristics.
ISS 300 Level Courses
ISS 305. Evaluating Evidence: Becoming a Smart Research Consumer (N) Statistical and methodological principles from the perspective of a critical consumer of social science research results. Recognizing non-empirical assertions, necessary bases for inferring relationships and causal relationships, common threats to research validity, and pertinent biases in human judgment.
ISS 308. Social Science Approaches to Law (D) Law theories, practices, methodologies. Social, cultural, institutional, global, environmental, family, or historical context.
ISS 310. People and Environment (I) Contemporary issues related to the interaction of socio-cultural and ecological systems. Global, regional, national and local environmental problems and responses.
ISS 315. Global Diversity and Interdependence (I) Contemporary issues in global political economy. Social forces and competing ideologies in a world context. Global resource distribution and development strategies. National identities and transnational linkages. First and Third World dichotomies.
ISS 318. Lifespan Development (I) Cultural aspects of biopsychosocial development across the life span. Physical development, health and healing. Cognition and language socialization. Views of self, gender, family, and social relationships. Adult development and intergenerational relationships within the context of culture. National and international issues related to human development.
ISS 320. World Urban Systems (I) Patterns of urbanization in various areas of the world over time. Linkage within and between urban centers. Economic, political and social/behavioral accommodation and adaptation to urban growth and change.
ISS 325. War and Revolution (I) Social conflict, wars and revolutions. Patterns of individual and collective action. Violence and conflict resolution.
ISS 327. Risk and Society (D) Assessment, management, and communication of risk. Role of media in amplifying risk. Topics may include gangs, terrorism, health, stock markets, job markets, sports, food, and traffic. Similarities and differences in understanding risk among scientists and the public, and between natural and social scientists.
ISS 328. The Social Science of Sports (I) Contemporary issues in sports. Critical examination of the industrial organization, public finance, labor relations, earnings, discrimination, and historical context of sports in society. Analysis of sports gambling, performance enhancement, and strategic decision-making.
ISS 330A. Africa: Social Science Perspectives (I) Comparative study of geography, cultures, politics, and economies of Africa. Diversity and change.
ISS 330B. Asia: Social Science Perspectives (I) Comparative study of geography, cultures, politics, and economies of Asia. Diversity and change.
ISS 330C. Latin America: Social Science Perspectives (I) Comparative study of geography, cultures, politics, and economies of Latin America. Diversity and change.
ISS 335. National Diversity and Change: United States (N) Racial, ethnic, class, gender, and other forms of diversity in the United States. Systems of dominant-minority relations and forms of prejudice and discrimination. Scope of and responses to group inequalities.