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Livvie Johnson named the Center for Integrative Studies 2024 Outstanding Senior

April 24, 2024 - Patti McDonald

Livvie Johnson, an interdisciplinary studies major, was named the 2024 Outstanding Senior in the Center for Integrative Studies by the College of Social Science at Michigan State University. 

 “I didn’t expect this at all, and I am really honored with this recognition,” Johnson said. “Getting this recognition is the perfect way to end my MSU career.” 

 Johnson, who is also a psychology major, is a member of the Women’s Leadership Institution 2023-2024 Student Cohort. She’s been involved with WLI for two years now, where she said she learned crucial skills that will be beneficial to her future success. 

 “I am so glad I’ve been able to be a part of WLI,” she said. “I have learned quite a lot from the women I have networked with. Being able to learn from such successful women is something I am very grateful for.” 

 Johnson, who declared her IDS and psychology majors when she was a sophomore, recommends the IDS major to other students because it has allowed her to explore and study different topics, which she said helped enhance her college experience. 

 “I chose the IDS major because I could take so many different social science classes and have a lot of freedom and choice to what I want to study,” Johnson said. “If I was limited to one area of study, I don’t think I would be as prepared, and I wouldn’t have enjoyed my college experience as much as I have. I get to study subjects I am passionate about while learning about a lot of other topics and I really like that I have been able to do that.” 

 As an IDS major, Johnson’s concentration is in community governance and advocacy with a cognate in American political institutions. After graduation, Johnson will be moving to Washington D.C. where she will pursue her master’s in political science at American University. 

 Johnson said her biggest piece of advice to other students would be to explore as many opportunities as possible during their time in college. 

 “Always keep an open mind when it comes to meeting new people, or even just within your classes and with your professors. Sometimes, you might join a class and within a few days, you might think the class won’t work out for you or you are not going to like it. I had that experience a lot, but I realized that the more I have an open mind about things and give things a chance, the more I end up liking something. College is the time to create all these new experiences for yourself; give things a chance and don’t close yourself off to new opportunities.”