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Photo Gallery: Garima Choudhary

February 21, 2024 - Patti McDonald

Garima Choudhary is an experienced ceramicist and Research Associate at IICD in Jaipur. With over ten years of experience, she has worked with renowned companies such as TATA Ceramics and Dileep Industries. Currently pursuing a Masters in Design at IIT Hyderabad, Garima is passionate about ceramics as a therapeutic medium.

Garima Choudhary hosted Women’s Empowerment in Indian Pottery: Stories from Jaipur‘s Blue Pottery & Bithoor‘s Terracotta Clusters where she discussed her experience empowering women through handicrafts.


Garima Choudhary leading Rejuvenate with Clay event.


Associate Director of the Center for Integratrive Studies Dr. Eddie Boucher (left) and Assistant Professor Dr. Seven Mattes participate in the faculty and staff session of the Rejuvenate with Clay event.


Students Amina Darabie (left) and Taylor Quillinan (right) particpate in the student session of the Rejuvenate with Clay event.

Participants were instructed to be mindful during the Rejuvenate with Clay event.

Amina Darabie works with clay during the Rejuvenate with Clay student session.